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6 powerful rituals to attract money urgently

Check out the 6 most powerful rituals to attract money that I use and with which you will also attract wealth to your life.

When lack of money is your main problem, there are some rituals to attract money that can help you get the bills and coins that you need so much into your home.

The lack of money many times it is caused because the circle that generates wealth has been broken, and the mechanisms that are capable of it must be retriggered attract more money to your economy.

And this is achieved by performing this type of rituals.

However, if you do not have faith or trust in them, I must warn you that doing them will be of no use to you, and you better search another way to get money.

So choose the ritual or the rituals to attract money whichever you prefer from the list below, put all your heart and hope in them, and get ready to see how the universe compensates you financially.

You will see how after this you find new ones methods to make money easily and achieve the prosperity you want.

1. This ritual it’s better than rub a magic lamp!

Do you know the story of Aladdin, the magic lamp and the genie? Well this one ritual to attract money it’s similar. You will need 6 golden candles, olive oil and candelabras to make it.

Light the 6 golden candles on a Sunday (if that day the moon is in its first quarter, the better), and rub the candles with a little oil gently olive so that the golden layer of the candles does not fall.

As you rub them, focus on your desire to get money urgent, and imagine how that money gets to you.

Then, place the candles in one or more candelabras, turn them on for an hour, and then turn them off.

Do this during 6 days in a row, never leave candles burning for more than an hour each day, and you’ll be surprised by the results when you get the money you need!

2. A spell that never fails me

You will need:

  • A candle green (size does not matter)
  • plate small
  • bag brown paper
  • And a pencil

Take the brown paper bag, cut a piece, and write on it the amount of money you need and the reason why you need it. Don’t be greedy, and write only the necessary amount.

Fold the paper in half and place it on the plate, light the candle and put it on top of the paper.

While the candle is lit, imagine yourself with that money you need already in your hand; Don’t think about the future, imagine it right now.

Keep visualizing until you feel happy, and let the candle burn out.

When the candle has been consumed, collect the remains of the wax and paper put them in another bag (it can be made of airtight plastic) and hide it in a secret place in the house where no one will find it. And ready.

3. The sugar it doesn’t just attract flies!

The sugar it is a sweet ingredient that is also used in esotericism attract money quickly and simple. For this ritual you will only need sugar, a container, and a bill.

In one full moon night, take the container and fill it with sugar, put a bill inside, and put everything in a place where you are giving it the light of the full moon.

Leave it there until the new moon, and you will see how the money you need soon appears in your life.

Another variant of this ritual to attract money it means putting equal parts honey and water in a glass, and submerging 3 coins.

4. A simple ritual to attract money with incense

Here you will only need an incense burner, and a sandalwood incense stick. Focus and put your mind in a state of meditation, and light the incense.

Remember that it must be sandalwood, since sandalwood is closely linked in white magic with the power to attract money.

Focus on feeling happiness and love in your heart, and that happiness is included the money you want to attract.

Imagine with all your might that your wish comes true, putting all the details you can into your visualization.

When you are feeling that your wish will truly come true, repeat the following phrase 10 times followed:

5. A ritual with rice and candles to attract money

For this ritual you will need two glass jars with lids, two green candles, two handfuls of rice, and six grains of black pepper. You must do this ritual on Tuesday.

Boil the two jars in water to sterilize them and remove impurities that may interfere with the ritual or spell.

Let them dry completely, and once done, put them in each one a handful of raw rice uncooked, and three grains of pepper.

Light a green candle in front of each jar and, when an hour has passed, turn them off – never blowing -.

Put each candle in each jar, and take one jar with its candle to your kitchen, and the other jar and its candle to your living room or dining room.

Leave it in a visible place, not hidden, and when you have achieved it attract money what did you want, throw away the candles.

6. Spell based on a song gypsy

This old spell to attract money it is urgently based on a gypsy song called Trinka Five. You only need a bowl and three coins to make it.

Place the bowl or bowl in a visible place in your home. Hold the three coins in the hand with which you write and pronounce:

Trinka five, trinka five, generous and charitable spirits. Make money grow in my path. I thank you, fairies of the trinka five.

When you finish saying those words, put the coins in the bowl.

Repeat this ritual for 9 days in a row (preferably always at the same time), and then do it only once a week until you get the money you need.

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